What is Permaculture
Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered around mimicking or directly utilising the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. The term permaculture was developed and created by David Holmgren and his professor, Bill Mollison, in 1978. The word permaculture was originally referred to as “permanent agriculture”, but was expanded to stand also for “permanent culture”, as it was understood that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuokas natural farming philosophy.
It has many branches that include, but are not limited to, ecological design, ecological engineering, environmental design, construction. Permaculture also includes integrated water resources management, sustainable architecture, and regenerative and self-maintained habitat and agricultural systems modelled from natural ecosystems.
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Homes and back gardens, Schools and Colleges, Hotels and other Businesses, Small to Large Farmers and Food Producers, Governmental Bodies, Aid Organizations, Communities, Orchards, Vineyards and other farming business.
“Permaculture is an ethical design system based on ecological principles that offers us a guide to create resilient, efficient and productive environments and communities ”